Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

i post it to the universe phase 2 : mew

gue gangerti akhir akhir ini gue sering abis dengerin mew.. kosakata yang gue keluarin jadi aneh aneh.. kadang-kadang gue suka bikin kalimat yang akhirnya gue gangerti kenapa mesti kata-kata itu yang ada di kalimat itu.. kayak contohnya :

i post it to the universe, and the universe post it back..
i am just what we called "we are"..
i wont telling you the truth because the truth wont give me you..
wont you play with me and spend our curiosity behind our black labeled remarks..

kalo ini quote lagulagunya mew yang quite awesome :

+ i wish I was gay, then I wouldn't have to play all her games..
+ I don't feel alright in spite of these comforting sounds you make.
+ I don't feel alright because you make promises that you break.
+ Nothing is pure anymore but solitude.
+ in right wing fashion.we'll nurture xenophobia and be strong
+ with paste and generosity because no one is safe from someone somewhere's sweet embrace.
+ making amends for distant wrong
+ farah don't pull the carpet from under me, indifference is killing me!
+ Black waves come and so fear me, December sinking
+ I've lost all my pure feelings, the psychiatrist posing as psychologist
+ When fear predicts, then doubtly the mind suffers
+ there's a puking girl trying to define herself
+ idiot, you could have become you.
+ 156(?)

nah itu lirik lirik lagunya mew yang nge-inspire gue abis.. aneh.. tp keren.. tp aneh.. coba gue artiin beberapa deh ke indonesia..

farah don't pull the carpet from under me, indifference is killing me!
farah jangan tarik karpetnya dari bawah gue, pengabaian itu ngebunuh gue!
there's a puking girl trying to define herself
disitu ada cewe yang muntah lagi nyoba nyari jati dirinya sendiri
Black waves come and so fear me, December sinking
ombak hitam dateng(?), bikin gue takut, december tenggelem(?)
i wish I was gay, then I wouldn't have to play all her games..
gue berharap kalo gue itu gay, jadi gue gak perlu mainin permainan tuh cewe..(woot)!
Nothing is pure anymore but solitude
ga ada yang murni lagi selain kesepian

nah kurang lebih begitu deh.. pokoknya.. gak semua kata-katanya bisa langsung diartiin.. ada yang gak jelas ada yang keren abis.. kadangkadang bisa bikin gila jadi gay.. ckck.. nah tp kita liat august nanti album dia yang no more stories gimana..

post it to the universe the universe post it back to me!

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