Sabtu, 22 September 2012


      hello, long time no see, blog. just laughing when i saw the last post. it posted about 1 years ago, 11 oct.  seems like this place getting pretty abandoned by me. never mind. so, lets talk in this place that you can share your story but no one will ever know it, or they will know it when its ready to be known. huh. i just dont know where i must post it, when fb, twitter and tumblr getting more well-known by people, so i seek this redemption of talk, and blog is the answer.
    so... all the people nowadays talking about mainstream. should i talk about it? or should i be one of them?
fuck it, there is nothing called mainstream unless the anti-mainstream peoples. we're born to follow our suit. we're born to following others. there's only a little way to be un-mainstream things. find and discover the new way is not mainstream. but dont judge mainstream or you'll be one of the mainstream too. 

so there is no mainstream. there's only a hard and the easy stream. and you just pick one of it or both.

bjork versus taylor swift
the hard to listen vs easy listen, both of them are great, cool and beautiful yet freak. black versus blonde. crazy suit vs classy suit. iceland vs united states. contemporary musical instrument vs acoustic guitar, well aged vs young. but they're talented and gonna be a legend.

why should i pick taylor? yeah such a silly pick, but its a simple sample to answer what is mainstream. anti-mainstream people called tswift as a mainstream joke. but i dont simply agree with them. she's not mainstream. she is edgy at herself, and maybe bjork could be mainstream when you stand in the bjork's crowds. 

okay i have a test on you guys. do you know this band? it'll shows how easy stream lookslike

they came from aussie. and trippy.
5 members, pop-rock. high vocal.
british-rock from 1996
bohemian gipsy style
danish alternative band. high pitched vocal.
alien and beyond.
hat on head and hype bassist

okay thats all, define who's main and anti. 

4.29 AM

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